Printing Types
Ideal for Headwear
$85.00 per file uploaded to convert to .DST file
Embroidery is a traditional method of decoration on fabric material that provides an elegant presentation of your corporate message. Your logo is digitized (term to describe the programming of the machine) and then stitched directly onto the product.
Laser Etching
Ideal for intricate and full colour design files
Laser Printing is a revolutionary new self-weeding process all garments that allows
vibrant print results with a very durable print.
This is a full-colour transfer print solution for intricate designs, with a full spectrum of potential applications – including hard-to-imprint substrates such as nylon and polypropylene.
Printable Vinyl
Ideal for pictures
Printable Vinyl (Heat transfer) printing is a newer decoration method, but it’s come a long way from the iron-on decals of old. With heat transfer, also known as digital transfer, your custom logo or design is printed onto transfer paper and then ink is thermally transferred from the paper to your fabric using heat and pressure.
Screen Printing
Ideal for large runs up to 5 colours
Screen printing or silk screening, uses stencils (screens) to recreate your design onto the material. Each colour needed in the design requires its own stencil to ensure accuracy. The ink will only pass through the stencil in the areas you want making it easy to reconstruct your design.
Vinyl Printing
Ideal for Text only
Vinyl T-shirt printing, often know as vinyl heat transfer, is a process that involves a machine that cuts out designs and letters. These designs and letters are done on pieces of coloured vinyl. Then, a heat press is utilized to transfer each piece of vinyl onto the material.
Landscape and Portrait Orientations
What is the difference between landscape and portrait?
So, the main difference between portrait and landscape image orientation is that landscape images are in horizontal orientation and portrait images are captured in vertical orientation.